• Opening hours : Monday-Friday 7am-6.30pm Sat: 8am-1pm




1. Has different risk factors, mainly sudden change in activity levels Although there is a number of different risk factors involved, tendinopathy generally occurs after a sudden change in activity levels. These can include an increase or change in load that involves walking, jumping, running, etc. Sometimes it is the sudden change in load - doing too much too soon, after doing too little for too long, and the tendons react acutely. Other times there may be biomechanical predispositions such as poor muscle capacity and strength that contributes to tendon [...]

ACL Management options

Have you sustained a recent ACL injury? There are three management options following an acute knee injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). These include surgery, exercise rehabilitation alone and the cross bracing protocol. The management approach chosen for an ACL rupture depends on several factors, including the classification of your ACL injury, your age, and your personal goals regarding physical activity and sports competition. It is best practice that all management options are considered and that a shared decision making model is utilised with the patient and their health [...]


Muscle cramping during exercise is a frequent issue for athletes, characterized by sudden, involuntary, and painful contractions that can happen during or after physical activity. Cramps are often unpredictable, and while their causes remain unclear there are a few risk factors and potential theories of causation.   Cramping is particularly common among athletes involved in endurance sports, likely due to the prolonged and repetitive nature of these activities. Several risk factors have been linked to cramping, such as older age, cardiovascular issues, and hot, humid weather however these aren’t a [...]

How to get the most out of your running

Are you one of the many that have picked up running at some time this year, or have decided to start training for the bucket list marathon or half marathon? These tips may come in handy to help to prevent injuries.   1. Avoid Training Errors There are plenty of training errors but most of them come down to not setting yourself enough time to reach your goal. Whether that be a marathon coming up, a personal goal of a particular distance, or a personal best, you need to give [...]

Cervicogenic Headaches

What is CGH: A cervicogenic headache is a headache that arises from the upper levels of the cervical spine, and surrounding soft tissue. There are 7 total vertebrae that make up the cervical spine. The top 3 vertebrae (C1-C3) each have nerves that refer pain signals directly into the head. Neck trauma and whiplash, as well as spasm and tightness in the neck and shoulder muscles, can also increase pain signals in the area.   Symptoms of CGH: Although CGH is harder than most other headaches to clearly diagnose, there [...]

Can breathing practice reduce stress?

The short answer is yes!! When we encounter a stressful situation, our bodies release cortisol, the primary stress hormone. Prolonged stress can lead to a cascade of physical and mental health issues, from anxiety to heart problems. Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman has an innovative solution that can help you regain control with the power of breathing. His 4-7-8 technique involves: Breathing in through the nose for 4 counts Holding your breath for 7 counts Breathing out through the mouth for 8 counts Repeat This technique involves extended exhalation, which helps trigger [...]

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